Phoenix Prom Photos, Peoria Deer Valley Arizon Anjeanette Photography Phoenix Prom Photos, Peoria Deer Valley Arizon Anjeanette Photography

Project Obscura | Las Vegas Conference | Feb 2018 | Anjeanette Photography

Elated to have been a part of Project Obscura the past weekend- the brain child of Sal Cincotta of Behind The Shutter Magazine, N-VU , and H+H color Lab

All names and businesses are linked- check out everyones amazing work!

with Kerri Jean & Ykeya

#ProjectObscura featured two days of shooting and photo business education- had a great time meeting new photography friends and learning information ...especially during the shoot out on day one! Here are too many of my favorite images.

Wouldn't these be fantastic looks for the upcoming Prom 2K18 ?!?!?

With the Hudson's & Angelique

with Kerri Jean & Emily Hafley

with Kerri Jean & Emily Hafley

With Jeff Poole & Bobbi Billard

With Jeff Poole & Bobbi Billard

So happy to meet Jeff of Jeff Peterson Studios, my sweet new friend Pensacola phenom Lazzat, and Thuan Ton of Portart Creations!! Hope to see them again soon- check out their work!

with Sal Cincoo & J ELONA

      I have many more favorites...I will add a special section to my Portfolio Special events: Prom!

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