2019 Fall Marching Band Season Scrapbook | SDOHS SMHS
I have been in love with the marching arts for over 20 years- and this fall was no exception. Proud to have helped capture memories for Deer Valley School Districts Sandra Day O’Connor and District Invitational, as well as Paradise Valley Schools districts Shadow Mountain Marching Matadors! Can’t wait to start taking more keepsakes for bands in fall 2020!
The Marching Matadors
Proud of the Shadow Mountain High School Marching Matadors for finishing a successful season! The marching band performs at school pep assemblies, varsity football games (home and away), parades, and marching band invitationals and festivals. This year under the direction of Santa Clara Vanguard alumn Natan Simon, thay ended their season in November by being selected after state preliminaries for the 2019 ABODA State Marching Band Championship Super State Competition performing with marching bands from across the state of Arizona. This year's show was a fun alien-themed performance titled "Keep Looking Up" Every year this Paradise Valley high school band gets better and better, I can’t wait to see what they do next year!

Eagle Pride Band
Congratulations to the Eagle Pride Marching band on a successful marching season with their show "Wanderlust" under the direction of new fine Arts Music Director Amy Frost. The Sandra Day O'Connor high band trained from early July and back into back in Super State completion to complete their season, finishing 6th in the state of Arizona. This year Anjeanette Photography partnered with the OC band boosters to donated the design, photography, and printing for all 21 senior banners- the first time the band had banners on the main football field fences alongside Cheer, Pom, Football. It was fantastic to see the senior's faces as they saw their faces under the Friday Night Lights! there are a lot of kids on the field on Friday nights from Sports Therapy students to the student yearbook staff and teams...everyone out there is working hard and deserves recognition! I had a great time following the team as a part of the OC Media Team headed by Scott & Tracy Benjamin. My own daughter was a marching senior- so although I love all the kids I was above and beyond proud to see her perform from the sidelines. Wonderful memories were made for 200 plus students, parents, and staff. Excited to see where you go next- Go Eagles!
SDOHS Senior Night Program
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