Nashville Writer & Theatre Session | Emily Class of 2017 | Anjeanette Illustration Seniors Photography Hendersonville Tn
Short Creative Humorous
Two seniors this chose the same favorite verse! Both are outstanding people who are true to the William Shakespeare quote:
Although she be but little she is fierce
Emily is planning to attend college at Carson Newman University, in Global Education
The summer after graduation she will be working & traveling to prepare for college, and as always, will be active in theatre, reading and writing! Don't you love her vintage 'keyboard' ;)
What was your biggest fear or worry about prior to the photo shoot?
I felt like I was going to look uncomfortable and awkward in every photo. The outcome was different. I enjoyed the photos and I had a fun time.
What is one piece of advice you have for other seniors preparing for their senior photography session?
It's not as awkward as you may think. Just be yourself and act natural.
Beech High Senior Session | Kendall's Split Session at the Fair | Hendersonville, Tn senior picture photographer Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Kendall helped me hit SEVERAL of the items on my summer fair to do list last week all during part one of her Split Senior Session!
1. Go to the Fair!
2. Ride all the rides-especially the carousal!
3.Have Fun
4. Popcorn, Cotton Candy, and Smoke Bombs
5. Smiles
What's a split Senior Session? Oh, funny you should ask, lemme just copy paste my Instagram description of Kendall's:
“When a senior can’t decide between favorite seasons so we shoot them both! Divide up your session for more of what YOU want”
So whats on YOUR summer fun list???
There is much more to come from Class of 2017's Kendall! I will be sure to update when her part two is ready! In the meantime check out her Junior Prom photos :)
Additionally- I have had the pleasure of knowing Kendall and her family for a few years and they have been with me since I first started out on my own in the photography business - so I have some images from a model shoot and her freshman year band photos!!! And my, can't you see my growth ;)
Enjoy-please don't kill me Kendall!
Cannot wait for fall and part two of Kendall's senior session!
Book your session today!
Hendersonviile, Tn Senior Pictures by
Nashville Artistic Photographer Anjeanette Illustration Photography
TEXT (615) 944-1356
Congrats Class of 2016! | Hendersonville, Tennessee Senior pictures | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
While I have been photographing seniors for several years with a school portrait business, this was the first year I really branched out on my own with longer, exclusive sessions where I had time to show off some amazing young people! I am so proud of you guys, many of you I have come to know and care about- and become friends with your mamas too! Blessings to you all in your adventures!
Hendersonville Tn Senior Pictures | Olivia's Senior Portrait Photoshoot | Artistic Photographer Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Violin and viola musician Olivia had already graduated high school when we met at Amulet Farm for her senior pictures portrait session last month! She finished the last of her home school studies in December, and was leaving right from our senior session for college registration. A passionate and intelligent young lady, she loves the instrumental arts and plans to study Interior Designer and get her real estate license after graduating. Olivia said she learns the most when the teacher uses visual ways of teaching and shows what to do. as well as when shetake notes and practice. I had her play for me while we were taking the second set of portraits in field behind Amulets barn, on the antique sofa. I can tell you the practicing Olivia did paid off as I was treated to a classical solo piece, and instantly saw Olivia relax, laugh, and become confidant as she played- it shows in her photos! Music is so powerful. Not surprisingly after playing for me I took her favorite photo of the session below.
This was shot with my Canon 5DM3, 70-200 lens, and a gold reflector. It was our first really warm week in Hendersonville, Tn and we had to take reflector breaks so we didn't sunburn lovely Olivia!
Canon 5DM2, 16mm lens, Off camera flash Calumet strobe.
“I really like any kind of music. I listen to pretty much every genre and play pretty much any genre. But my favorite to play would have to be either classical or fiddle music.”
Sometimes I have fun & play around when I edit...Cherry Fields action from Creative Market!
I asked Olivia if she could go anywhere for a day, where would she go, and she answered somewhere exotic with a lot of nature and wild life.
So we jumped in the Station Camp Creek ;)
What I was most looking forward to in senior pictures was a fun easy photographer, and that's what I got. I don't think there was a least favorite part tho. I enjoyed it all. -Olivia
Prom Mini Session | Station Camp Seniors | Hendersonviile, Tn Senior Pictures by Nashville Artistic High School Senior Photographer | Anjeanette Illustration Photography | Affordable Senior Portraits
This session was featured on the front page of!
This was my first time doing prom mini sessions- and I want to do more as soon as possible! We had a gorgeous day in Hendersonville Tennessee for senior prom pictures, amazing funny and happy kids, and lots of bright beautiful dresses. Stunning looks from these up and coming young women and men.
Caroline's Senior Session | Hendersonville Tn Senior Session | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Hendersonville Tn concert musician Caroline is pursuing her musical dreams after accomplishing great things as a high school student, I was so excited to photographer her senior portraits and will be listening for her in the future!
Belmont University, College of Music
Caroline was her high school Drum Major, leading her marching season team on pep rallys, games, parades, and competition accomplishments including a Grand Champion at an Austin Peay Invitational. However, she expressed that her true passion was concert performance. She has had many first chairs and 1 ratings at bands assembled from the best of the best throughout the state of Tennessee. We met up first at Belmont, where dad David had connections that allowed us access into the gorgeous concert hall designed by the same artists who created Nashville's Schermerhorn Symphony Hall.
Over to Amulet Farm, Gallatin
I love the sweet owner at Amulet Farm, Jenny Towle, and her place has long been a favorite for photos. I was introduced to Jenny by Amy of And How! photography- look at that soft afternoon Golden Hour sun! Ahhhh, such a gorgeous and relaxing view of middle Tennessee and all its beauty!
This is awesome! Carolines's dad David grabbed a photo of me taking her senior photos! Look at me pointing all bossy like :) You can see my favorite camera 'bag', the LowePro Flipside Sport 20L AW, my Calumut light with on my favorite stand ( in the entire universe forever) Cheetah stand, and my 5DM2 body with Paul Buff Cybersync transmitters. It looks like the 85mm lens...I usually use a Sigma 85mm 1.4, Tamron 70-200mm, Canon Nifty Fifity 50mm 1.4, and 24-70mm lens on portrait shoots.
Mikki's Senior Session | Hendersonville Tn Senior Pictures by Artistic Photographer | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Senior Photos in Hendersonville Tn by Artistic Senior Picture Photographer Anjeanette Illustration Photography
She has brains, talent, beauty, and drive: Mikki is a fireball, with big dreams and the hard work, dedication, and ambition to achieve her goals. She has her college accepted and prepared for, and is finishing out her senior year at the top of her Saxophone Marching & Concert section and track and cross country teams!
Describing Mikki is hard because this young person is a spit fire. I sound so old right? It is just hard to pin down Mikki as just one thing or another because she is so many things! A photographer with passion excitement, Mikki has personal projects she is photographing which can be seen here, additionally she photographs for her church. Mikki has spoken at conventions like the VFW State Convention, because she is concerned about her world and a politically motivated young writer she will be representing Tennessee at the Voice of Democracy Essay Competition in Washington DC. Her mom told me she started running a few years ago to think and relax and realized she was motivated and talented enough for cross country and track. On top of it all she is a member of a her band as a saxophonist and that band schedule is no joke demanding- daily practices, weekends full of competitions and extra practices, concerts, sectionals, as well as volunteering her time with a middle school band.
I always ask seniors for favorite spots and ideal locations- because while I could just slap up one of my more generic backdrops and have lovely portraits that is just one element... I would much rather get their personalities in "the wild"- where they are comfortable and can relax and express themselves and their real interests! Mikki chose her school grounds, and don't you just love that Tennessee has school grounds that look like these? Fields of gold fauna surrounding the campus? Sure looks different from my high school surrounded by asphalt and concrete! We explored her track, cross country running routes through the trees, the stream running along side the gym, and even used the track and stadium for a set up. As the shoot progressed, I quickly stopped having to pose Mikki. Her mother and Ijust watched as she relaxed and took chances, which gave me more freedom to get creative with my shooting. I love it when this cycle of creativity gets started. What happens is we end up with amazing photos full of personality like these.
Watch her go- enjoy your senior year Mickie!!
Elis Senior Session | Hendersonville Tn Senior Pictures by Photographer | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Beech High School Class of 2016 Senior Nick is a guys guy…you see him here and you think — All American kid - but he’s got a wide range of talent and interests that we also were able to showcase during his senior photo shoot. Outdoors man Eli wanted a senior session in the woods he enjoys fishing, kayaking, and with his family. So we got our feet wet and headed for the creek at the White House Greenway. Smart, funny, good looking guy who is an announcer at basketball games, hunter and fisher, DECA, and man of God.
E was a bit reluctant at first, hey I know photo shoots are not always the top of guys favorite activities! I think once we got splashing arounf=d in the creek and laughing it was not as bad as he anticipated. He was friendly, and happy to make his mama proud!
Savannah & Toby Senior Session | Hendersonville Tn Artistic Senior Pictures by Photographer | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Great meeting up with Senior Savannah at the Historic Palace in Gallatin for a theatre themed senior shoot before heading over to a golden field for sunny dramatic photos! At the time we were taking pictures Savannah was preparing for her school production of Grease, however the most important part of her senior portrait session was including her furry baby Toby in some of her portraits. Toby is hilarious, he looks like a miniature dark grey and brown Wookie and I swear he can cock one eyebrow and roll his eyes. He was the perfect model although I suspect silent judgment- just kidding. Savannah is one of those charismatic people who instantly makes you smile and laugh. We met at church in Hendersonville, Tn through the youth program she is actively involved in, and where her mama mentors my daughter in a small group! She has a great personality, an expressive demeanor and a wonderful smile. She’s confident, both when chatting about school and life, and even when she’s standing by herself in the middle of a field getting her photo taken waving to parade style to passerbys.
We had beautiful weather for her senior photo session. I am one of those photographers who doesn't just wait around all day for sunset (and I love sunset golden hour do not get me wrong) I love bright back light! It work amazingly for dramatic shots with flash as well as in natural light with a low ISO and a high shutter speed. I didn't want to be stuck only taking photos at one time of day, so because high noon sun can be pretty intimidating I got out and practiced and listened to my hero Jasmine Stars videos and made it work in the middle of the day. Well, wouldn't you know its my favorite time to photograph now? Makes me want to move to SoCal where the sunny days average a whole lot higher than what feels like semi tropical middle Tennessee. So. Many. Grey. Rainy. Skies. I really need to find my best practices for overcast grey, I truthfully admit they are not my favorites.
Not a problem for Savannah senior portraits though! Bright sunshine glow wrapped all over Savannah that late summer day, while at the same time providing us with some great light to work with. I think I actually set a new record for the number of images taken at a senior session! This is the one where I honestly considered my niche- and afterwards choose to only do Seniors and Weddings! I still photograph friends families, and their children, as well as at weddings there are lots of family style portraits, but this was a pivotal day for me career wise. No more marketing to everybody. I think a huge part of that decision was all the fun and excitement Savannah brought to the session! Seniors are amazing, and all the personality in their sessions make them so artistic and enjoyable. Much like Savannah, they want to explore and try out fun ideas, and they are not afraid to plunge into the world and make it happen. Go take on the world girl!
Photo featured on Senior Year Magazine! | Hendersonville Tn Senior photographer
Senior Photos in Hendersonville Tn by Artistic Senior Picture Photographer Anjeanette Illustration Photography
Briana's photo was featured on Senior Year Magazine!
Julia Class of 2016 | Station Camp Greenway | Anjeanette Illustration Seniors
Hendersonville Tn Senior Photos
Spunky senior Julia is active in her church and training guide dogs for Southeastern Guide Dogs! I had a great time meeting up with her nearby her high school, Station Camp, for her natural and strobe light senior portrait session! Normally, taking photos of multiple furry friends can be a challenge- a fun and exciting one for sure because I love when seniors bring their friends. Julia has her furry friends so well loved and trained they behaved with more maturitythan may of the grown ups I have photographed at event! Ha!