Mikki's Senior Session | Hendersonville Tn Senior Pictures by Artistic Photographer | Anjeanette Illustration Photography
She has brains, talent, beauty, and drive: Mikki is a fireball, with big dreams and the hard work, dedication, and ambition to achieve her goals. She has her college accepted and prepared for, and is finishing out her senior year at the top of her Saxophone Marching & Concert section and track and cross country teams!
Describing Mikki is hard because this young person is a spit fire. I sound so old right? It is just hard to pin down Mikki as just one thing or another because she is so many things! A photographer with passion excitement, Mikki has personal projects she is photographing which can be seen here, additionally she photographs for her church. Mikki has spoken at conventions like the VFW State Convention, because she is concerned about her world and a politically motivated young writer she will be representing Tennessee at the Voice of Democracy Essay Competition in Washington DC. Her mom told me she started running a few years ago to think and relax and realized she was motivated and talented enough for cross country and track. On top of it all she is a member of a her band as a saxophonist and that band schedule is no joke demanding- daily practices, weekends full of competitions and extra practices, concerts, sectionals, as well as volunteering her time with a middle school band.
I always ask seniors for favorite spots and ideal locations- because while I could just slap up one of my more generic backdrops and have lovely portraits that is just one element... I would much rather get their personalities in "the wild"- where they are comfortable and can relax and express themselves and their real interests! Mikki chose her school grounds, and don't you just love that Tennessee has school grounds that look like these? Fields of gold fauna surrounding the campus? Sure looks different from my high school surrounded by asphalt and concrete! We explored her track, cross country running routes through the trees, the stream running along side the gym, and even used the track and stadium for a set up. As the shoot progressed, I quickly stopped having to pose Mikki. Her mother and Ijust watched as she relaxed and took chances, which gave me more freedom to get creative with my shooting. I love it when this cycle of creativity gets started. What happens is we end up with amazing photos full of personality like these.
Watch her go- enjoy your senior year Mickie!!