Harrison & Kylie Shadow Mountain Class of 2020 | Anjeanette Photography Senior Anthem, Peoria, North Phoenix Arizona

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What a year 2020 has been- and it is only March! WOW, when we were taking these we had no idea what was to come in the next few weeks! The worries were far away and spring break had just begun... So thankful I was able to go ahead with this long ago scheduled duo senior pictures session before Covid-19 social distancing quarantine began! So much uncertainty and worry. Despite all the challenges we are facing now and may face in the near future, memories of our most valuable moments are important- they are worth holding onto.

Kylie and Harrison are high school sweethearts who wanted their senior pictures taken together. We walked around the Phoenix Desert Botanical Gardens on a golden light filled afternoon, capturing portraits of each of them separately and together in the cactus blooms of spring. We had fun laughing and posing, and smiling in the bright sunshine. While some things may be uncertain in the immediate now, in the fall these two are headed to ASU and the Navy with bright futures ahead! Their bond and these moments will not be forgotten. Both families are good friends, so joint sessions together was an obvious choice for them, making sure to ask me for photos of them altogether.

Class of 2020 -Hang in there. No words can replace prom or the end of your school year, but know that there will be light at the end of this terrible tunnel we are in. The future is yours and you will ROCK whatever comes next.

I love you all!

best Places to take senior graduation pictures Sandra Day O’Connor High School Phoenix Peoria Az Anthem high school portraits grad photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona
high school graduation portraits photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona BEST Places to take senior pictures  Peoria Az senior grad photos Anthem GILBERT CHANDLER ANTHEM
best Places to take family pictures phoenix family portraits, children photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona desert botanical garden Peoria Az Anthem Gilbert MESA, CHANDLER photo Chandler portraits
best Places to take family pictures phoenix family portraits, children photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona desert botanical garden Peoria Az Anthem Gilbert photo Chandler portraits
best Places to take senior graduation pictures Sandra Day O’Connor High School Phoenix Peoria Az Anthem high school portraits grad photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona
There are fields of Gold behind the little house
Filled with the greatest of treasures
Bronze, Gold and Silver

Do you remember?
Remember our childhood, Our life’s

The shinning Silver sparkling in the skies
The brightest Bronze hidden under the ground
The greatest Gold glimmering through the fields

Can you see them?
Picture it in your mind

All the times we danced
Every time we laughed
Where we used to love

Or have you forgotten?
Forgotten the good, Forgotten the bad

Every memory
Every moment
Every word

I wish you’d remember
To turn back time, So you could take me

Take me to the gold
To the fields on a summers day
To our fields, our treasure

The Silver, The Bronze
The Gold

But the treasures gone
The house still remains
The fields just as empty as the day we left

Times have changed
Our life’s have changed

Our Silver gone dull
Our Bronze all rusted
Our Gold long forgotten

It was never there
The winds of time and turns of the earth have seen to that

But I remember
I cry for the children who found the greatest of treasures and those who lost it so soon after
And I dream of dancing and singing and running and laughter, of the treasures that lie in the fields of Gold.
— By Carrie Halliday
best Places to take family pictures phoenix family portraits, children photographer Anjeanette Photography Phx Arizona desert botanical garden Peoria Az Anthem Gilbert MESA, CHANDLER photo Chandler portraits