Class of 2020 Instagram stories | The details changed- your accomplishments haven't!!!
Cap and Gown sessions are some of my favorites. This year they are so bittersweet. This year...whew.
I am sure you are sick of hearing that you are resiliant, that you will overcome, that you will be stronger for it.
That is all true- but honestly? This year sucked. And this was supposed to be THE year right? You worked hard for 12 years and certainly deserved better. You should be celebrated and cheered. Cheering from the internet just doesn’t feel the same. I def feel a little lame typing encouragement from the couch instead of jumping up and down in a school auditorium or stadium- but I really really DO believe in you.
This class, this generation that won’t meekly sit by and ignore injustice. This generation that gives a you-know-what about each other and the earth and everything. So yeah maybe I sound like a rambling mom cheerleader but damn, boy- you rock! All of you!!! I do think you will prevail above and beyond complacent survival. Yeah yeah surviving is important. I don’t want just surviving for any of you. I want you to thrive. You will be stronger because of everything that has been and to bring better things out of these ashes.
To heavily copy/paste from “5 Ways Tragedy Makes You A Hella-Strong Person”
by Aly Walansky: “We never want to experience tragedy or see anyone we care about have to go through it, but it's undeniable that those who do suffer tragedy emerge even stronger and have a better grip on true happiness.
A study in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that exposure to adverse experiences may foster mental resilience and may make people less affected by recent adverse events. This goes to show that, in moderation, whatever does not kill us may indeed make us stronger. “
Congratulations #classof2020 Now go kick some ass!